While working on another campaign for Xbox, my client showed me some sample data sets that I could use to target player behaviors. I couldn't believe how deep it went. I asked to see my data, and I knew if I wanted to see mine, other players would want to see theirs.
I proposed a global, multi-language, data-driven campaign developed to show Xbox gamers across the globe a personalized visualization of their data. I wanted to create something that showed players their achievements and how they ranked against their friends and community on a dynamic, shareable, individualized webpage comprised of 80+ dynamic fields. 
Players were sent a dynamic email containing eight stats (personalized data points) and encouraged to log in and see how they stacked against their friends and the community.
Tens of millions of fans worldwide logged in to see the personalized visualization of their data. They showed incredible engagement with our campaign, generating 1.5x the average open rate, 13x the average CTOR, and 84% positive sentiment on Twitter. The campaign received over a thousand press mentions.
It won multiple Gold and Silver ADDYs, a District Silver ADDY, a Silver DMA ECHO award, a Bronze MIXX award, and a WEBBY nod. It then became a yearly program for Xbox.
Fun, unexpected wins: Xbox received massive spikes in "sign-ups," "re-opt-ins," and many reports of "un-spam" after fans realized that the program was driven/delivered from signing up for email. Playstation and Nintendo fans were very vocal in their jealousy of the program on social channels. These unexpected wins are also the reason for the less-than-perfect positive sentiment, with "access" being the common negative.

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