Breaking Rock
Outline, Story, and Characters by Bo Geddes
Developed for Metatheory’s DuskBreaker IP as an ongoing content aimed at world-building, engagement, and awareness.
In 2100, three coworkers toil daily for the mega-corp DuskTech on a derelict alien spaceship tethered to Earth. As they salvage life-saving resources from the ship (called the Dusk), they begin to unravel a mystery that blends sci-fi action with office-style humor.
Each episode will be written in a 4-6 panel webcomic. Episodes individually will be short but will work together as a complete story.
Natalia Cromwell
Description: Natalia Cromwell grew up in the mountains of Russia with a love for nature and science. Her uncle, Edward Cromwell, became a DuskBreaker in the early days of DuskTech and inspired her to follow in his footsteps. She particularly loves the study of planetology and how life on the Dusk has developed. However, as she was finishing her training, her uncle disappeared. Natalia believes DuskTech when they tell her he was last seen on a train leaving Machafuko. She is devastated by his choice to abandon her, but this only makes her double down on her love and loyalty to DuskTech. She is smart, witty, loyal, and a good leader though she is just beginning to grow into this position. By the time the story starts, she has only been a DuskBreaker for 3 months.
Character Arc: Through the story’s events, Natalia begins to distrust her idol and mentor, Imalda Cervantes, and starts to face the reality that she has dedicated her life to an organization she does not fully understand.
Ethan Thomplin
Description: Happy-go-lucky exobiologist Ethan hails from the Australian continent. He is very close to his Mum, who he talks with daily (sometimes even during his missions on the Dusk.) We meet him 1 month into his time as a DuskBreaker. As of late, he has been plagued with strange dreams and a voice that tells him to “find the source.” He will later discover (not in Book One, but in future books) that it is the Dusk communicating with him and asking him to find the source of the corruption.
Character Arc: Ethan tries to make sense of his weird dreams and visions with the help of his friends, while also helping Carlos achieve his goals.
Carlos Sinto
Description: Carlos is a nanite specialist who has been working basic DuskBreaker duty for the last 2 years in an attempt to pay off his college and training debts and send money back home to his family. He has a deep love and reverence for technology and a passion for creating new inventions. He was raised in Brazil by a traditional religious family who rejected technology. Part of the reason he sends money back home to them is to prove to them (and himself) that he made the right career choice. He lives in his lab in the Shadow District and is constantly developing cool tools to help make his job easier. His loyalty lies with himself rather than DuskTech.
Character Arc: Carlos slowly learns that his friends are his true family. This arc will not be completed in this book, but we will see its beginnings in Book One.
Imalda Cervantes
Description: Imalda is the extremely savvy CEO of DuskTech, who has clawed her way to this position and only intends to grow her power further. She will do anything to protect her authority, which includes covering up the disappearance of Edward Cromwell once he turns into the Red Corrupted (this is what really happened when he disappeared 7 months ago). She becomes Natalia’s mentor, with ulterior motives of keeping an eye on her and ensuring she doesn’t go looking for her uncle. She embodies the powerful force of DuskTech in our world.
Tundle Fischer
Description: Tundle is the leader of the “Wards of the Dusk” cult. The cult is a mix of Scientology and New Ageism. Tundle was a former member of the ASTRA team who had a “spiritual awakening” in his early days that led him to start his religion. By the time our story begins, his cult has cemented its power and influence in the world. He has several congregations he runs out of Machafuko and is starting to spread his word globally. He is always hiring DuskBreakers for “twilight shift” missions to get him material from the Dusk to continue his secret experiments. He takes Carlos under his wing once he learns of his ability to use his inventions to better locate valuable materials on the Dusk.
Story Arc for Book One
Act One - 15 chapters
We begin with Ethan dreaming about being chased through the Dusk. He wakes up in a cold sweat. He asks his B.U.D. to play the morning messages from his Mum when he hears a knock at the door.
It’s Natalia at the door. She came to walk with Ethan to work. However, she needs to throw up first due to having too much to drink at the company party the night before.
The duo heads to the train that will take them to the Lift. Natalia asks if she did anything embarrassing the night before. Before Ethan can answer, a stranger on the train calls Natalia “anthem girl,” and she finds out that she drunkenly sang the DuskTech anthem to the whole party.
Ethan and Natalia arrive at the foot of the Lift, where they meet up with Carlos. Together, the team gets on the Lift and heads to the Dusk.
They are sent to Zone 1-487 for a routine mining mission. Here, they encounter a gribble and travel through a Reticulum tunnel.
As they exit the Reticulum tunnel, Natalia receives a message on her B.U.D. from the DuskTech CEO. She freaks out. She begins to play the message, but then her B.U.D. loses signal.
Carlos offers her his signal booster, which he’s beta testing, but it just burns out her drone. Sigh. Now, she’ll have to wait to get a new one before she can hear what may be the most important message of her life.
The trio arrives at the mining site, and Carlos uses the app he created on his B.U.D. to scan the area for exogems… BUT his drone is killed by 3 hunter drones while processing this request.
The team fights the hunter drones, and when the battle is over, they’re able to mine some adnite and a few Volagems. Disappointed by the day and preparing to leave, they speculate why DT wants to dispose of the Volagems rather than try to use them for a product, even if they are unstable. They also speculate on the hunter drones- they’ve never seen or heard of drones with Volagems in them before.
Upon arriving in Machafuko, the trio walks out of the DT Equipment Headquarters with Natalia’s new B.U.D. Natalia comments that it costs more to fix her drone than the wages they earned that day. Carlos carries his damaged drone (to fix himself). They all excitedly 4 watch the video from Imalda on Natalia’s new B.U.D. It says that Nat has been chosen for a management mentorship program with Imalda herself. It starts next week!
Natalia is over the moon. Carlos points out it’s a little suss that the CEO would take a brand new breaker under her wing. Natalia says he’s just jealous. Ethan is happy for her. They all say goodnight.
Later that night, we see vignettes of each character as they prepare for sleep. Natalia is in her room looking at a picture of her younger self with her DB uncle. Carlos is fixing his B.U.D. in his lab in the Shadow District, and Ethan is asleep next to his picture of his mom and him.
We once again enter Ethan’s dreamscape and see that he is dreaming about a room that is made of volagems. Floor, ceiling, walls - all covered in volagems.
Act Two - 23 chapters
It’s a week later. Natalia has her first one-on-one meeting with Imalda. Imalda tells her that the singing at the company party put Nat on her radar, and that must not happen again, but that she’s excited to work with her to level up her skills. Natalia mentions how her uncle is the one who inspired her to become a DuskBreaker. Imalda says, “until he abandoned his position 7 months ago.” Nat feels shame and explains that she would never do that.
Carlos gets his B.U.D. working again, revealing the location in 487 of a massive cache of Volagems (finally completing the task). Carlos knows that his favorite bartender will have buyers for these gems. Besides, he reasons, DuskTech is just throwing them away. Why shouldn’t he put them to better use?
Carlos visits Maya at her bar, Spit’N’Fire, in the Shadow District to look for a buyer. Maya tells Carlos they’ll send him a note if they hear anything.
Carlos gets a response from Maya saying to attend Tundle’s sermon this week. He talks to Ethan about the massive volagem cache and convinces him to join him at the sermon. Ethan is intrigued, so he agrees.
Ethan and Carlos arrive at the Believers of the Broken Sanctuary. Tundle gives a sermon about using Duskite to create a key to the Dusk - so that the Dusk will deliver us to our true home planet.
After the sermon, Carlos and Ethan are approached by a shadowed figure about the cache. When they talk about the size of the cache, Vix drops the pretense and signals Tundle over into the conversation. He says he’s very interested in a case of Volagems and will get them access to the Dusk off the books.
Walking back from their encounter, Ethan is freaking out. “What am I doing? Is this the same giant cache of volagems from my dream?” They run into Natalia outside the DuskTech housing and stop talking about it. When pressed, Carlos says he took Ethan to church. Natalia gives him a strange look and continues with her news - gushing about her first meeting with her hero Imalda. They say goodnight and that they’ll see each other at work tomorrow.
Ethan has a dream sequence where he’s chased through the Dusk by a pair of floating red eyes. He awakes on the Dusk. He had passed out while working the next day. Natalia and Carlos are bending over him, concerned. He says he’s okay; the meat pies that his Mum sent him for breakfast probably went a bit funny in the mail.
When the shift is done, Natalia says they should head back. On their way to the elevator, Carlos asks Ethan if he can still help him with “that church thing.” Ethan says yes, he doesn’t want Carlos to go alone. No one should be alone in the Dusk.
Later that night, Natalia is watching the “weekly update” from Imalda about DT and volagems. This scene is inter-spliced with Carlos and Ethan sneaking up to the Dusk and entering the corrupted dungeon filled with Volagems. Ethan realizes it is indeed the same room he saw in his dream.
Carlos is giddy that his finder invention worked and stunned by the size of the cache (way more than will fit in the case Tundle gave them). He talks with Ethan about needing to come back a hundred times as he fills the case. But when Carlos turns around… Ethan is GONE.
Midpoint of Act Two -
Carlos searches for Ethan. He uses his finder app and finds Ethan’s broken drone, but no sign of Ethan or what happened. He’s sure he can fix the drone and find out. As he’s leaving the Dusk, he calls Natalia and tells her Ethan is missing on the Dusk. Natalia is confused and furious.
Natalia meets Carlos as he gets off the Lift. Ethan’s B.U.D. is in one arm, and a case of volagems is in the other. She questions him on why they were up there and wants to go back immediately, but Carlos convinces her that the only way they can find Ethan is to fix the drone and see what happened to him. She agrees, and so they head to Carlos’s lab in the Shadow District.
At the lab, Natalia (anxiously waiting) explores Carlos’s lab. Carlos fixes the B.U.D., and they see the Red Corrupted take Ethan and destroy his B.U.D. Vix appears from the shadows after they finish watching the video. She says she’s here to get the case of volagems, but clearly, they have bigger concerns. She walks away with the case and turns back to Carlos: “Good job, by the way, Tundle will be pleased. And he’ll want more soon.”
Natalia says they must tell Imalda what’s happening. Maybe she knows something about the creature who captured Ethan. They call Imalda, but she cuts the conversation off and tells them to meet her at the Lift. On their way there, Tundle calls to thank Carlos for the gems and ask when he can get more. Carlos says he has more important things to worry about now, but he will get back to them. Tundle coyly mentions that they should be careful talking to Imalda. She has covered up the disappearance of Breakers before. Carlos is shaken by this message, but Natalia brushes it off. She’s still convincedImalda will help them.
A cloaked Imalda meets Natalia and Carlos by the Lift, and they show her the video of Ethan’s disappearance. She asks if anyone else has seen it. They say no, and Imalda immediately deletes the video from the B.U.D. Natalia now begins to get a sinking feeling that perhaps Tundle was right. She asks Imalda what she’s hiding, but Imalda won’t budge. Imalda says she’ll give them the last known location of the Red Corrupted, but no one can know - and it’ll be off the books.
Meanwhile, Ethan is in a gribble containment tube in a dark room filled with alien tech. This is the Red Corrupted’s lair. He sees something approaching, and his eyes go wide. We see a reflection on the tube as the figure approaches - with their red glowing eyes. The same eyes he had seen in his dreams. Ethan Screams. Fade to black.
Act Three - 7 chapters
Natalia and Carlos enter the Dusk to rescue Ethan. They face many perils and obstacles on their journey. Carlos feels guilty, and Natalia is processing that her hero, Imalda, may not be so great. They work through their emotions together as they fight their way through the increasingly corrupted areas. Carlos wonders if their disappearance will be the next one that Imalda covers up.
Eventually, they arrive at the lair where Ethan is being kept. He’s a mess. There are other Dusk creatures and monstrously deformed Dusk Breakers, in even worse shape, that the Red Corrupted has been experimenting on. As they are trying to free their friend, they turn to see… THE RED CORRUPTED.
We cut to Tundle sitting in his office. Imalda video calls him on a secured line. She says he’s been getting sloppy with his little expeditions. She lightly threatens him, and he lightly threatens her back. Tundle says: “Well, I would hate it to get out that you know exactly where Edward Cromwell is right now.” They agree to keep each other’s secrets and get off the phone.
Tundle goes downstairs into his secret laboratory. Here he reveals that he has a hunter drone from the Dusk, he’s able to use it to see out of other hunter drones aboard the Dusk. He uses it to see the Red Corrupted who is still face to face with our three heroes.
First 11 episodes/comics:
1. Find the Source
Open on:
Dusk dream.
Ethan is on the Dusk, alone and terrified. An eerie voice whispers, “Find the source!”.
Interior of new DuskTech-issued Breaker apartment. Morning. His bed is against the window, and we can see the Kinshasa Lift in the distance. There are still moving boxes filled with pinned bugs and random science fair trophies. A picture of Ethan and his mom on the nightstand appears to be the only thing unpacked so far.
[EARTH 2100] Ethan sits straight up in bed, wide-eyed, chest and head sweating.
His B.U.D. interrupts: “Good morning, Ethan. You have three new messages from your mom.”
Ethan smiles and tells his B.U.D. to “read them” as he gets ready.
2. Regrets
DuskTech-issued Breaker apartment hallway.
Natalia, dressed in a DuskTech-issued gambeson, closes the door of her very tidy apartment.
As she walks down the hall, she’s thinking, “I hope I didn’t say anything stupid last night at the company party.”
Natalia and her B.U.D. stop and knock on another apartment’s door.
Ethan (dressed in a matching gambeson) swings the door open, smiling. “Rock Girl! How are you alive after last night?”
Natalia pushes past Ethan, leaving her B.U.D. in the hall. “I NEED TO USE YOUR BATHROOM”
3. Anthem-Girl
Interior of a subway train. Morning light fills the car as it speeds towards the Lift. Ethan and Natalia stand near the door.
Ethan: “You feeling better, Natalia?”
Natalia: “Much. How bad was I?”
Exterior of the subway as it pulls into the Lift station as they step off the train
Ethan: “I don’t think anyone noticed.”
Natalia steps off the train, and the crowd at the station begins clapping, “You made it!” “Hey, anthem-girl!”
Ethan: “Okay, maybe some people noticed.”
4. Twice?
Interior of Lift station. They are looking at a giant LED board for their team pairings with many others. Ethan and Natalia are now in their armor but without helmets on.
Ethan: “Cool. We got paired up with Carlos. Have you met him yet?”
Natalia: “I don’t think so, but I heard he’s smart.”
Carlos walks up, arms raised… “Ethan!” turning to Natalia, “Are you the girl that sang the DuskTech anthem last night, TWICE?! Sorry, I missed it!”
Natalia, trying to ignore the teasing: “Hi, Carlos. Welcome to what will become the legendary Breaker team.”
“C’mon, let’s get to the lift.”
5. Introducing
Same illustrations - in a dream outside of the Lift doors, just script modification of the lift scenes…(previously issue #1)
Natalia, thinking to herself, “Today is going to be a good day, Today is going to be a good day, Today is going to be a good day.”
Natalia: “As the team captain, it is important that I know all about you. For instance, Ethan here typically packs an extra meat pie to share…
Ethan: “Packed extra for you too.”
Natalia: “... and is the king of all things creepy-crawly. So what’s your story, Carlos?”
DING! Doors open for the Lift. The three heroes enter the Lift.
Carlos: “You don’t get to be team captain by being a corporate groupie.”
Natalia: “Hey, DuskTech is changing lives down here. Our job may be dirty, but if we can find something new on the Dusk…”
Carlos: “They’ve been breaking this rock for nearly 30 years; I doubt there’s anything left to discover, just more duskite, exogems, and things that want to kill you.”
Natalia: “We’ve only seen a fraction of the Dusk; there’s so much more to discover.”
Carlos: “We get paid to break and take, not explore.”
Ethan: “Can we get back to the bit about me being King of the Creepy-Crawlies?”
6. Moms
Space. Entrance to the Dusk.
Natalia has a holographic map on her wrist. “Guys, they want us to use the Reticulum to get to Zone 1-487 - right next to that enormous pocket of exogems in 486 they found yesterday.”
They enter the Dusk - many pillars fill the area…
Ethan: “Oh, man, this could be a huge bonus for us. Carlos, what are you going to spend your on?”
Carlos: “Probably send it home. Maybe the money will show them I’ve chosen the right career.” A gribble rushes at Carlos as he passes a pillar. Carlos dodges out of the way.
Natalia: “Are they crazy?” Natalia shoots the Gribble dead before it can turn to attack again. “Being a DuskBreaker is the most important job there is!”
Carlos: “My mom wanted me to be a priest, but I just love inventing with Duskite. Breaking rock is how I’m paying off DuskTech for the college loan.”
Ethan: “Well, my mom just wants me to be the best person I can be.”
7. Hey, Murri
Dusk. Entrance to a Reticulum tunnel.
Natalia: “Okay, boys, this is it - just like we trained for.”
Ethan: “Are you sure this is the right tunnel? I don’t want to wormhole to the other side of the galaxy - especially since you can’t do two of these in less than 5 hours.”
Natalia: “Let me check.” She turns to her B.U.D. “Hey, Murri, call DuskTech Opp’s support.”
B.U.D.: “Calling District Top Hospital.”
Carlos: “HAHAHAHA”
Natalia: GRRRRR “Forget it, let’s go!” and enters the tunnel
8. Dead-zone
Dusk: Exit from the Reticulum tunnel
Carlos: “Did it work?”
Natalia, looking at her map: “Yep. We are just two sections away from our target.”
Ethan turns to his B.U.D.: “Did you see that, Mom? We just went over a thousand miles in a couple of steps.” B.U.D.: “Saved to outbox”
Natalia’s B.U.D.: “Natalia, you have an important message from the CEO of DuskTech.”
Ethan and Carlos: “PLAY IT!”
Natalia: “Murray, play the message.”
Video projection from B.U.D. shows Imalda sitting in her office: “Nata-lllllll-ia” signal is breaking up. “It has come to my, my, my, my, my —----------” B.U.D.: “Signal lost.”
Natalia grabs her B.U.D. and holds it up towards the portal, trying to get a signal. “C’mon!”
9. Tech Support
Dusk: Exit from the Reticulum tunnel (continued)
Carlos holds up a tiny chipboard with a wired plug: “I’ve been working on a signal booster for these dead spots on the Dusk.”
Natalia swipes it: “Let me see that!”
Carlos: “Wait, you need to re-”
Natalia has hooked it up and fried her B.U.D.
Carlos: “I tried to warn you”
Natalia: “Thanks to you; I won’t be able to see that message until I get a new BUD!”
Ethan: “What do you think the message says?”
Carlos: “Maybe she wants singing lessons?”
Natalia: “Let’s get going” and marches off
10. Progress Bar
Dusk: A small pole in the ground displays Zone 1 Section 487
Ethan: “We made it!”
Natalia: “Okay, team, spread out and start breaking. Let’s find those exogems! Hit your audio beacon twice if you find something.”
Carlos: “Or we could just have my BUD scan the entire section and tell us where the hot spots are.”
Ethan and Natalia: “Your BUD can do that?”
Carlos to his B.U.D.: “Murray, give me a sub-sonic scan and isolate anything pinging in my target range.”
B.U.D.: “Scanning”
B.U.D.: “Processing”
B.U.D.: “Reprocessing”
B.U.D.: “Scanning”
B.U.D.: “Processing”
B.U.D.: “Processing”
B.U.D.: “Processing”
B.U.D.: “Reprocessing”
11. Process Interrupted
The scene continues from the last episode. The team waits for Carlos’ B.U.D. finder program to finish.
B.U.D.: “Processing”
Natalia: “How much longer, Carlos?”
B.U.D.: “Processing”
Carlos: “I don’t know. It may have found something…Fuhg”
Carlos’ B.U.D. is destroyed by a Hunter Drone.
Ethan: “Take cover, there are more!” as two more drones show up.
PEW PEW ensues

“Exit Plan”
Treatment by Bo Geddes
Premise: Through preparation, you can make your own luck.
Setting: April. 1971. Detroit. Downtown. The Federal Bank.
Act 1
Light pours through the clearstory windows onto the marble bank lobby, and we can see the dust particles dancing in the light. The bank appears to be empty. There is a strong yellow cast with lots of blown-out highlights. From the entrance, the camera dollys through the lobby and into the bank manager’s office. A ski-masked gunman has just finished tying up and blindfolding 8 hostages. They lie on the floor face down. The gunman leans back against the desk, and his finger inadvertently brushes the alarm button mounted under the desk’s edge.
(music starts, and we hear the bank alarm ringing)
We watch the gunman jump up from his lean. The camera pulls back out of the office, into the lobby, and down the stairs in the back, past hundreds of opened safety deposit boxes, towards a man who turns from the large bank vault door he has been working on to meet the camera face on (Extreme Close Up). He says to the camera . . . “Something always goes wrong.”
Act 2 (It appears to be a flashback to the viewer, but is actually a flash-forward and the 3rd Act.)
The camera pulls back from the ECU to reveal we are with our bank robber in a dark and smoky card room cast in blue light. Our robber is sitting at a table full of shady characters. He looks away from the camera towards the cards in his hand, begins to place a bet, and then thinks better of it. He waffles a bit. A ruddy old Irishman asks, “What’s it going tobe, Lucky? Are you in or out?” Our robber looks again at his cards. (CU of our robber’s hand: AAAJJ). Lucky puts his bet in, “Yeah, I’m in.” As the camera dollys around the table, it seems the players think Lucky is bluffing. Each player raises. (VO: Lucky “they bit”) (CU on the pile of chips time lapsed, growing and growing). It seems as though Lucky is going to make a killing. As everyone calls, we hear an alarm go off, and police stream into the card room. The Irishman flips the table over and pulls out his gun. Lucky watches all the chips fly in the air in slow motion. He looks at the gun. He looks at the cops. He grabs his jacket and a red leather bowling bag and runs for the lady’s bathroom.
We hear gunfire from the card room as Lucky lifts the window and quickly snaps the bars free. He crawls out the window into an alley. The window closes just as two cops burst into the bathroom. Lucky runs across the alleyway and past a busboy out for a smoke. He races through a restaurant kitchen into the dimly lit dining room and out the door into the hustle and bustle of a busy sidewalk. The camera follows him through the crowd. Cut to Lucky stopping at the curb. Cut to “DON’T WALK,” changing to “WALK,” and zoom in to an extreme close-up of Lucky’s face. He says . . . “Something always goes wrong.”
Act 3 (This Act picks up exactly where Act 1 left off.)
“Always have an exit plan” – the camera pulls back. We are back in the bank basement where we first met Lucky. The camera follows Lucky as he picks up a red leather bowling bag, runs past the empty deposit boxes, and up the stairs. The gunman watching the hostages turns and shrugs, “What’s it going to be? In or out?” (the audience will recognize this voice as the Irishman’s). Lucky says, “We are out”. The gunman rips the phone cord from the wall and uses the cord to tie the bank manager’s door shut. “That should hold ‘em,” the gunman says as he pulls the ski mask off to reveal his ruddy face “Let’s go then”.
The camera follows our robbers as they leap over the teller’s counter and pry open a vent on the back wall. We see them entering the vent. Cut to an alleyway outside. An unseen force pushes a dumpster away from the building wall. Our robbers emerge from a large hole behind the dumpster (Lucky’s exit plan). They dust themselves off and walk a bit down the alley. Lucky stops to tie his shoe and looks to the left. The camera follows his gaze to a basement window with bars on it (CU: the bars have been hack-sawed to within a millimeter of a full cut). We hear the Irishman ask if Lucky is coming as he ducks into an alleyway door filled with blue light. Lucky smiles and speaks to the camera. “Always have an exit plan.”

Gertie's Garden
An Animated Short by Bo Geddes
Opening titles appear on a quaint little country cottage surrounded by beautiful gardens. The sun is beginning to rise. The camera dollies into the open upstairs window, where we see a plump elderly woman sleeping. Her eyes pop open as a sunbeam crosses her face. She springs out of bed and into her white bunny slippers (quicker than we might expect). The stairs creak as Grandma makes her way down. Quick shots of grandma turning on the coffee, grabbing her purple cardigan, pouring cereal into a bowl and coffee into her mug, then pouring milk onto her cereal and into her coffee, popping everything onto a tray, and walking out her front door.
She walks down a little path to where a small café table and chairs sit in the middle of a flower garden. She places the tray and sits. A pudgy brown squirrel scampers up the opposite chair and sits on the table. Grandma smiles and says, “Good morning, Theodore. Where is Perry?” A blue jay drops from the sky and lands on the top of the chair’s back “SKWAK!” Grandma reaches into her pocket and pulls out a peanut and some sunflower seeds. She hands the peanut to Theodore with a smile and places the seeds near Perry. The three friends enjoy their breakfast together. As they finish, Grandma appears to be distracted. The camera follows her line of sight and zooms in on a weed just barely poking out of the soil. Perry turns to Theodore. “Here we go,” as Grandma makes a beeline for the weed. Grandma battles with the weeds tirelessly while her friends watch (shown in a montage of the daily war - with the weeds making “invasion” plans in their “bunkers” at night, and grandma fighting back the tide day after day).
One morning, Theodore and Perry are waiting at the table, but Grandma does not come. They wait a long time. Finally, an ambulance comes to the house. The paramedics enter the house, bring Grandma out on a stretcher, then take Grandma away. Theodore and Perry are sad and ask each other the “who, what, where, and why“ questions but have nothing but crazy made-up answers. The next morning, they meet again at the table and still no Grandma. Later that day, as they sit in the garden talking, Theodore feels something under his bottom. He gets up, turns around, and sees a weed spring out where he was sitting. “BOING.” We hear echoes of BOINGS from all over the garden. We hear the weeds yell, “CHARGE!” Theodore and Perry turn to each other . . . “UH-OH”. They spend days battling day and night to ensure Grandma’s garden stays as pretty as she left it.
After a week, a car arrives, and some younger people help Grandma out of the vehicle. Grandma has a cast on her foot and walks slowly with a cane. She waves at Theodore and Perry before entering the house. Perry and Theodore exchange proud grins.